Darren Glancey

Hello, my name is Darren Glancey. I am the managing director / owner of Wigan Hearing, a regional independent hearing aid supplier in the north west of England with a large internet based hearing aid accessories element. We run a very busy daily ear wax removal clinic at our state of the art audiology clinic in Wigan, Lancashire.

The Importance of Regular Hearing Tests and How Wigan Hearing Can Help.

Hearing is one of our most valuable senses, yet it’s often taken for granted. Many people wait until they experience significant hearing loss before seeking help, but early detection and intervention can make a huge difference. At Wigan Hearing, we’re committed to helping you maintain your hearing health and improve your quality of life. Why […]

The Importance of Regular Hearing Tests and How Wigan Hearing Can Help. Read More »

Clearer Hearing Starts Here: Professional Ear Wax Removal at Wigan Hearing.

Ear wax (cerumen) plays an important role in protecting your ears, but too much of it can lead to discomfort, hearing loss, and even infections. If you’re struggling with blocked ears or muffled hearing, Wigan Hearing offers professional, safe, and effective ear wax removal services to help you hear clearly again. Why Choose Professional Ear

Clearer Hearing Starts Here: Professional Ear Wax Removal at Wigan Hearing. Read More »

When should I get a hearing test?

Deciding when to get hearing aids depends on various factors related to your hearing health and lifestyle. Here are some signs that may indicate it’s a good time to consider getting hearing aids:Difficulty Understanding Speech: If you find it challenging to understand conversations, especially in noisy environments or when multiple people are talking, it could

When should I get a hearing test? Read More »

Lets talk ear wax ……..

Lets talk ear wax ………. The color of earwax can vary for several reasons, and these differences are usually normal. Here’s why earwax might appear in different colors: 1. Age of the EarwaxFresh Earwax: Typically, earwax starts as a light yellow or amber color when it’s newly produced.Older Earwax: As earwax ages, it can darken, turning

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